
After trying to fix the rear shock I was a bit tyred. We went in the centre of town where we had a fast internet connection to do some blog updates.

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We also had a look around in town. There is not too much to see. There is the aimag museum, the main square. We saw a lot of motorbikes, mongols just love them.

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While sitting at the main square we met 3 French guys who were doing a 4×4 trip. We also saw some English Honda small motorbikes passing, but we were too late to stop them 🙂

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We checked the local museum, but it was not very interesting. The guide could barely speak English, and almost everything was written in Mongol inside. I was even more tired by now so we decided to rest for the day and stay in Altai.

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In the evening there was a nice thunderstorm. There was also a mouse in our room, so I tried to find it. Tomorrow we will do the last big offroad stretch from Altai to Bayankhongor with a broken rear shock. I hope it will hold 🙂


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