From the old to the new capital

Today would be our longest ride so far in Mongolia. We had to cover about 370km but the roads should be really good now 🙂 Well they should be asphalt at least I mean. Well don’t count the first 70km or so 🙂


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The first km were offroad but went fine as our batteries were charged again. Hey, we even had breakfast today. I think it was our first big breakfast we had in a while!

We reached the asphalt again and watched the landscape change. It would be a relaxing ride to the capital now. We stopped at a small buddha statue to relax and met a Czech biker called Jan. He was heading for UB and after that probably China.

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On the road we saw an accident. Maybe someone hit a pothole. They are really huge here, like 30cm deep or more.

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Twenty km before the city there were even double lanes. But traffic was quiet. We stopped just before the center to get some sugar in our systems and also to clean the bike. It would work on it tomorrow and prefer to do it on a cleaner bike.

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Traffic in the center was a bit crazy, we almost got hit by a big Lexus twice.

We stopped near the Gandan district to find a guesthouse. Prices are still ok here and the location is central. Actually I was in UB 6 years ago. You could say before the big boom. Prices were still very low then, you could find a place for $5. Now the town is booming. Apartments are rising everywhere. Prices of hotels are almost like Moscow or London. The cheap days are over here.


As I would stay here for a while I found some good budget deal in Gandan’s guesthouse. Hell it was a ger again, but ok, pretty funny in the center of a big city 🙂

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We got ready to hit town and eat a lot! We found some american burger restaurant and had French fries with mayonaise, double cheeseburger and beers. Great! Afterwards a chicken kebab and more beers, I was hungry 🙂